Manage your account

To edit your profile details and manage your workspace subscriptions, log in to Kaituhi then click on the circular profile button at the top right of the page, then select Edit Account from the dropdown menu.

You will be taken to the Account page, where you can edit your avatar image, email address and name, as well as manage your workspace subscriptions.

The icon displayed to the right of the email form field indicates whether you have verified your email address or not.

Unverified email address icon.

Verified email address icon.

To verify your email address, search your inbox for an email with the subject line: Kaituhi Please Confirm Your E-mail Address.

Manage your workspace subscriptions

All the workspaces that you are associated with be displayed in the Subscriptions section of the Account page.

For each workspace your membership type will be Member or Admin. If you are an Admin for a workspace you will have access to directly edit the payment method, unsubscribe or re-subscribe the workspace.

If the workspace has been set up manually for payment on invoice, you can request updates to the payment method or subscription status by emailing

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