Workflow Tools

Workflow Tools

There are a number of different functions on Kaituhi that support a transcriber or team of transcribers to go from raw audio to a completed transcription.


You can search within your transcripts, using the Search icon in the lower toolbar. Click on the icon, a search bar will appear, write the word and it will take you through the transcript to every section that has that specific word. 


If you want to show that the transcription of a caption has been Completed and is ready for Review - select the blue circle at the end of that caption once and the tick will go blue.

If you want to show that it has been Reviewed, select the blue circle again and the entire circle will go blue. These are that stats that are then shown on the information card in your Dashboard. 


The Flag to the left of each caption can be used in a number of ways. There are two coloured flags, if you click once on the flag it turns Red, click twice it turns Green, if you click it a final time it returns back to a blank flag.

Red flags can be a useful way to draw attention to a caption where there is an issue, a word or phrase that you can't decipher or understand. It could also be about the content of the caption, perhaps a piece of information you want to draw attention to. 

Green flags can be useful to show that the original red flag has been resolved by a reviewer or editor. The original transcriber can go back and see what the resolution was before clearing the flag completely by selecting it again. It can also draw attention to the content within the caption. 


If you would like to add further information to your transcript, you can hover over the section of audio wave in the caption that you’d like to make a note about and you’ll notice a blue box with a + sign appear. Click on the + sign.

This will open a comment box to the right of your screen where you can add your note

TIP: You could use this tool to add a definition to a new kupu, or as a way to provide more information for a reviewer about the red/green flag you have added, or direct a question to someone within your team.

Team members can reply to comments and create a thread of discussion with each author, Kaituhi records the time each comment is made. All comments within a note can be edited and removed and all notes can be deleted

Navigating around your transcript

All notes and flags will appear across the bottom of your screen in the progress bar. You can navigate directly to any of the flags or notes by clicking them. 

You can also navigate easily to certain captions based on their progress status or your Red/Green flags using the double tick icon in the lower toolbar. 

Select the status/flag you want to navigate to and then by using the arrows on either side of the icon you can navigate through all of the captions that have that status/flag. 

Analysis Tools

Alongside the notes, you are able to ‘Tag’ or code words and phrases throughout your transcript based on a tag system that you determine fit for the purpose of your work. Currently, Kaituhi has two layers of tags; Primary and Sub tags. Primary tags are established at the Team level. Once you have set up your Team, you will see the 'Manage Tags' button under the heading for the team’s folders. 

Captured below is an example of tags we have used to explore unique features of tribal language. You can edit the labels and choose the colours that you want to represent those tags, once you have done this, click OK

When you want to start tagging, highlight the word or phrase in the caption and Add Tag will appear above the word. 

When you click on Add Tag, a selection panel will appear, where you can select from your preset Primary tags, you can also include a Sub tag and add a note

TIP: You must always select a Primary tag, these are currently limited to the 8 preset tags you may set up. However, the Sub tags are flexible and can be developed directly in the selection panel. 

Your tags will be represented by a coloured line (of your choice) above the selected word/s. You can hover over this and the tag information will be displayed. You can also directly edit your tags here by clicking on the pencil icon. 

You can view all of the word/s you have tagged by selecting the Tags icon in the lower toolbar. This will bring up a list of all of your tags on the right hand side of your transcript. You can navigate directly to each tag by selecting them from the list. 

You can export your tags in a .csv format to further analyse them if you wish.

Syncing Your Data

If you have agreed to allow your data to support the improvement of the Papa Reo ASR machine, you will see a green cloud indicating that the caption and its associated audio will be uploaded and synced to the Papa Reo ASR machine. The privacy policy and explanation of how we will care for your data will be outlined in the terms and conditions of your license agreement.

If, however, a portion of your data is highly sensitive and you would prefer that it wasn’t used, you can deselect the syncing icon turning it grey.

Exporting Your Transcription

When you have completed your transcript you are able to export your work using the Export icon in the lower toolbar. 

Currently the platform supports exporting the text as a .txt file, the audio as an .mp3, and the subtitles/captions as .vtt. 


If you have any questions or issues while you are using Kaituhi, you can contact us at:

We would also love to hear from you around ideas for improvements that would make using Kaituhi a better experience for you. 

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